International Trade Law
Welcome to International Trade Law.
This is where you will find all the information and material you need for class.
Important Information
Consultation Hours
Tuesday 9am-10am
Thursday 9am - 10am
Tuesday 12pm - 1pm (ALT)
Thursday 12pm - 1pm (ALT)
Friday 1pm - 2pm (ALT)
Wednesday 11am - 12 pm (Lecture room 5)
Thursday 10am - 11am
(Lecture room 5)
Course Outline
The course outline tells you everything you need to know for this class
Assessment due dates
Friday Week 6 in class
Friday week 11 in class
Join the whatsapp group to keep updated - this is where we communicate:
Course Materials
For your ease, you can find all the material you need for this class in this section. This includes the required readings, the material which will use in class and additional optional material.
The power points which will be used in class will be available before each class for your ease.
They are a guideline to what is covered in class to make it easier for you to follow along and focus on the lecture. They are not a part of the required reading and are in no way shape or form a substitute for the book or other reading materials.
Click on the link below to access the materials:
Assignment - due Friday week 11 in class
TOPIC: The regulatory effect of international trade on employment for MSMEs in PNG
Word count: 2000 words not including footnotes
Referencing style: AGLC for more information, see MRP material
Time of submission: IN CLASS